Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Birkhead Brings Home Daniellynn

Larry Birkhead finally has his daughter right where he wants her.

After securing a temporary passport for seven-month-old Dannielynn in the Bahamas Monday, the doting dad brought his progeny back to the United States aboard a chartered plane Tuesday.

An Access Hollywood camera crew joined the father-daughter duo for the flight, ensuring that no tender moment went undocumented. (The NBC-owned show reportedly paid $1 million for the honor.)

The plane touched down in Fort Lauderdale briefly before continuing on to Birkhead's hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.

"It just feels good to be home," Birkhead told the gathered reporters and photographers upon disembarking from the plane.

Last week, Larry completed the process of having Dannielynn's birth certificate changed to show that he is officially, legally and biologically, her father.

Meanwhile, last Friday, Virgie Arthur's request to prevent Anna Nicole Smith's baby girl from traveling outside the country was denied -- and our Kevin Frazier was at the courthouse for details from the hearing.

The judge said he was "a little perplexed" as to "why this order is in front of us," Kevin reported. The judge added that he felt the order was "weak" before denying the appeal. Virgie was then ordered to pay court costs of $3,000, which includes Larry's fees.

This was an "expensive day for her," Larry told Kevin afterwards. "I feel like I just got a divorce from her, and I didn't even know we had a baby together."

Virgie was seeking to keep the little girl in the Bahamas until the next custody hearing in June, but the courts will allow Dannielynn to travel with her father.

34 Duke MBAs Caught Cheating

In the largest cheating incident in the history of the Fuqua School of Business, 34 students in the daytime class of 2008 face penalties for violating the Fuqua Honor Code in a required first-year course.

Charged with collaborating on a single take-home exam in the third quarter of their first year, nine of the convicted students face expulsion for "extremely severe violations," and another 15 students will receive a one-year suspension and a failing grade in the course for "severe offense," according to an e-mail sent to the Fuqua community last Friday.

In accordance with Honor Code policy, the University Judicial Board must keep the details of the case confidential, including the students' names.

All students of the class of 2008 were at risk of being expelled, while fifteen others will be suspended for one year, Mike Hemmerich, an associate dean at the school, confirmed. Students were found guilty of collaborating answers in the exam.

"Fuqua depends on every member of its community to uphold the code in both spirit and action. This is why we require, as a condition of enrollment, that all students acknowledge their personal acceptance of the code," said a statement released by Dean Douglas T. Breeden.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Bush Logic: We Need Less Border Patrol

When you are apprehending fewer people, it means fewer are being apprehended, not that fewer need to be apprehended.
clipped from www.nytimes.com
“When you’re apprehending fewer people, it means fewer are trying to come across,” Mr. Bush said.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Ketchup in Bottle Trick

clipped from www.metacafe.com
Entertain at your next party with this trick.
You just need a plastic bottle with water inside and a small
packet of ketchup or mustard. It is Simple and Impressive.

Arctic Monkeys release album artwork

clipped from www.ananova.com
Arctic Monkeys -Favourite Worst Nightmare /Ext
Arctic Monkeys have unveiled the cover art for their new album Favourite Worst Nightmare.

Alex Turner told NME.com the band wanted to use a real work of art for the cover.

He said: "We wanted to do something physical, like do something real with the artwork. We got all these illustrators, played them some tunes and that and got them to draw bits of stuff, bits of things that we liked and stuff.

"The idea was to get a house or a factory that looks really plain and bland, dark satanic mills or whatever, and then inside there's all this colour.

"And then Juno, who did our last album, basically painted this house, and then they took an actual wall off.

"There's all these kids from the area gathering outside it every night now. They're trying to secure it, but it's probably going to get burnt down now!"

Favourite Worst Nightmare is due to be released on April 23, and will be preceded by the single Brianstorm a week earlier.

Free LSD

Works for me!
clipped from www.metacafe.com

The Kitchen Winery

This is what they'll think of next...
clipped from money.cnn.com
A winery for your kitchen
A winery? In your kitchen? If that sounds like a pitch from a late-night infomercial, then imagine the obstacles Greg Snell had to overcome to get his 10-person startup off the ground. Snell is CEO of Provina, the San Jose-based company behind an elegant new product called the WinePod. A digitally networked, 4-foot-tall machine that ferments, presses, and ages wine in one self-contained device, the $3,500 WinePod can produce varietals in batches of up to 60 bottles, controlling temperature via a wireless connection to the owner's personal computer. Wine experts who've tried the first batch from a WinePod--a light pinot noir--give it a thumbs-up, but to get upscale oenophiles to take him seriously, Snell tapped product designer Loren Sterling to create a brushed-stainless-steel and white-oak cask that looks right at home next to a Viking range.
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Woman grows nipple on foot

Three mile-islander's 15 minutes...

Woman grows nipple on foot

A 22-year-old woman sought medical care for a lesion in the plantar region of her left foot, a well-formed nipple surrounded by areola and hair. Microscopic examination of the dermis showed hair follicles, eccrine glands, and sebaceous glands. Fat tissue was noted at the base of the lesion. Clinical and histopathologic findings were consistent with the diagnosis of supernumerary breast tissue, also known as pseudomamma. To our knowledge, this is the first report of supernumerary breast tissue on the foot.
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Dannielynn's DNA Taken for a Ride

clipped from www.eonline.com
Anna Nicole Smith's paramour is reportedly appealing a Bahamian justice's order to submit Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern for DNA testing, despite the fact that the test has already been performed, according to several media outlets.

MSNBC said that Stern, who is listed as Dannielynn's father on her birth certificate, took the six-month-old to a doctor's office in the Bahamas Wednesday and, although a court-imposed gag order prevents the various factions from discussing the case publicly, the general consensus is that the baby girl was on the scene so that a mouth swab could be taken.

Larry Birkhead also visited the same doctor's office Wednesday morning to submit his own DNA, according to TMZ.com. Stern is exempt from testing for now because, since he's on the birth certificate, he's daddy until proven otherwise.

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House Panel Approves Subpoenas for White House Aides

The heat turns up...
clipped from www.bloomberg.com
A congressional panel probing the
firing of eight U.S. attorneys authorized subpoenas to compel
testimony by Karl Rove, President George W. Bush's top political
adviser, and other White House officials.

The House subcommittee took the first step toward a possible
constitutional confrontation with Bush over the power of Congress
to question presidential aides under oath and review confidential
administration documents. It approved the subpoena authority by
voice vote over Republican objections.

The White House countered with a threat to withdraw its
offer to produce Rove and other White House aides for private
interviews if Congress takes the further step of actually issuing

``If they issue subpoenas, the offer's withdrawn,'' White
House spokesman Tony Snow told reporters. ``Are we going to
change our conditions? No.''
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Friday, January 19, 2007

Clinton Democrats: Obama Barack: Terrorist Trained as Tot

Insight Magazine sources report that the Clinton Democrats are doing background checks on Obama and are going to attach the word madrassa to him, as in: "Obama attended a madrassa as a child." As many know, a madrassa is where fanatics train young Muslim children to hate America and to be killers.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Pregnant Miss New Jersey resigns

Ashley Harder, 20, the current holder of the Miss New Jersey USA 2007, resigned because she is pregnant. Harder said she stepped down because it is against the pageant rules to be pregnant. The tiara went over to runner-up Erin Abrahamson. Harder's first child is due "late summer" and she also is planning to marry her boyfriend, the father of the baby.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Diaz Dumps Timberlake

Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake confirmed their break-up in a joint statement on Friday after a 3-year relationship.

Sources state that Cameron was threatened by Scarlett Johannson's flirtations with Timberlake and that she couldn't believe that Justin went behind her back to put Scarlett in a new video, "What Goes Around."

Air Force May Strip Sergeant's Stripes

Staff Sergeant Michelle Manhart was relieved of duty and may lose her job if the Air Force ultimately decides that her upcoming debut in Playboy "does not meet the high standards we expect of our airmen", or comply "with the Air Force's core values of integrity, service before self and excellence in all we do,” said the Air Force in a statement released Thursday.

A Survey USA poll thinks otherwise as 58% said she should remain in the Air Force.

Ex Miss Nevada to Host Orgasm Contest

Katie Rees has signed a 2 million dollar contract to co-host 'Cirque du Soleil', a event in the renewed 'Beacher's Madhouse'- a sequence of dancers, comics and other acts at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Los Angeles.

Promoter Jeff Beacher said, "The Madhouse doesn't shy away from scandal at all. Our show is the edgiest, coolest show in Las Vegas-she just fit in perfectly. She's got great stage presence."

The beauty queen will co-host a female orgasm contest with Pete Giovine when the show starts again on March 31, 2007.

Victoria Beckham gets offer from Playboy

David Beckham's wife Victoria, aka Posh Spice of the Spice Girls, received an offer to appear in Playboy magazine from Hugh Hefner.

Bridget Marquardt, one of Hef's Girls Next Door says, "She should do a pictorial with us. We've got big plans for her. I think she's going to fit in fine - they're both gorgeous."

I agree.